English translation for "fem system"
- 频率域电磁测深系统
Related Translations:
fem: n.〔美俚〕女子。adj.〔美俚〕女性化的,女人似的。Lib, Femlib 〔美国〕妇解,妇女解放运动。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The content of ihe paper is as follows . ( 1 ) a object oriented fem system structure is designed and realized 本文的研究内容如下:设计和实现了一个面向对象有限元体系结构。 | | 2. | 2 . this paper studies the second development technology of vba based on autocad and develops the visual fem system of the metal gate 2 、研究了基于autocad平台的vba二次开发技术,进行了金属闸门可视化空间有限元分析系统的开发。 | | 3. | Abstract : the paper analyses the characteristic of automatic fem system , presents how to affect the results of analysis to any structure with different type of elements , puts forward the cases of application for this type of system 文摘:本文就现行的全自动建模fem系统特点进行了分析,比较了结构不同单元模型对分析结果的影响,阐述了其所适应的应用场合。 | | 4. | This paper introduces the basic concepts of object - oriented programming to the finite element method for linear static analysis . in the view of ooad ( object - oriented analysis and design ) method , a set of basic classes for the fem system are founded and their relationship is discussed too . all these fem classes are implemented in c + + language because the hybrid language c + + is an object - oriented extension of c . ( this language includes all the feature of c and is well suited to solve numerical problems because of its efficiency . ) 本文在静态线性有限元系统中引入了面向对象的程序设计方法,介绍了面向对象方法的基本概念及特征,并通过有限元的面向对象分析和设计,确定了一套基本的有限元对象类及有限元的面向对象模型,本文设计的所有类均采用c + +编程语言进行了实现,最终形成了一套fem类库,它们以动态连接库的形式存在。 |
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